Why are Business Roaming Charges Increasing?

Why are Business Roaming Charges Increasing?

Multiple factors could be contributing to the increase in business roaming charges in the UK.  A possible reason is changes in regulations or policies regarding roaming charges. Another factor could be the cost of providing roaming services, which could be affected by changes in exchange rates, network infrastructure upgrades, or changes in demand for roaming services.

Additionally, the growing popularity of data-heavy services like video streaming and online gaming can strain networks and increase the cost of providing roaming services. Moreover, the rising demand for business roaming services due to increased mobile device usage for work could lead to higher prices.

There is no one definitive answer to how business roaming charges are increasing in the UK, as there may be a variety of factors contributing to this trend. Some possible explanations might include:


Changes in regulations or policies: Governments might enforce new rules or policies that necessitate providers to increase the charges for roaming services.


Cost of providing roaming services: The expenses involved in providing roaming services could be on the rise due to factors such as fluctuations in exchange rates, enhancements in network infrastructure, or changes in the demand for roaming services.


Popularity of data-heavy services: With the increasing usage of data-heavy services like video streaming and online gaming, networks can come under strain, which may lead to a rise in the expenses involved in providing roaming services.


Increasing demand for business roaming: The growing number of individuals using their mobile devices for professional purposes could result in a surge in demand for business roaming services, potentially resulting in elevated costs.


Provider-specific factors: Various factors may prompt mobile providers to raise their business roaming fees, which could differ between providers and encompass alterations to their cost structure or shifts in their competitive environment.


What can I do to lower my business roaming costs?

Reducing business roaming expenses is essential, especially when travelling frequently across internationally. The following are some useful tips that can help you lower your business roaming costs:

  • Use Wi-Fi: Whenever possible, connect to Wi-Fi networks to prevent the use of your mobile data, particularly when accessing data-intensive applications such as video conferencing or streaming services.
  • Turn off data roaming: To avoid unforeseen expenses, switch off data roaming on your phone when it’s not necessary. Doing so will prevent your device from consuming excessive mobile data when you’re travelling outside of your home country.
  • Use messaging apps: Rather than making international calls, utilise messaging applications such as WhatsApp or Skype to communicate with colleagues and clients. These apps consume data instead of minutes, which can help you save money on roaming fees.
  • Plan ahead: Prior to embarking on your travels, conduct research on the roaming rates applicable to your destination and plan accordingly. If you anticipate making numerous calls or using significant amounts of data, it might be worthwhile to explore options offered by RoamingExpert to design a plan tailored to help your company save money while your employees are overseas.


Knowing the costs linked with roaming before your travel enables you to make an informed decision on whether or not to use your phone whilst roaming.

For many businesses, uninterrupted connectivity is a crucial necessity when travelling abroad, and this is where RoamingExpert can provide valuable assistance. RoamingExpert designs customised plans for their clients, allowing for plans that are tailored to meet specific voice and data needs and address the destinations required when roaming.


RoamingExpert’s tailored plans not only meet the specific needs of businesses/travellers but also provide cost-saving opportunities, allowing users to work uninterrupted without the concern of incurring high roaming charges.

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